
New You for 2019

It's time

The start of the New Year marks our declarations for a “new you”.  Whether you are making new resolutions to make more time, save more money, incorporate healthy habits, lose a few extra pounds, or just make little changes to impact your happiness. What are you doing to make 2019 your best year yet?

Did you know that each January, about 40% of Americans make one or more resolutions each year. The majority of them resolve to better themselves in some way, usually in the form of weight loss or an exercise program. Research shows that 75% of those will still to their goals past the first week, 64% will stick to their goals after a month and less than half, 46%, are still on target six months later. And only 8% actually achieve their goals.

What are some tips to help you follow through on your goal to live a better lifestyle?

1)  Set realistic attainable goals

—  Instead of saying you want to be able to lift 300 lbs, try saying, I want to lift another 20 lbs by the end of next week.

2)  Track your progress, can you measure it?

—  It is said, if you can measure it you can change it.

3)  Schedule your activities

—  Make your new goals a priority.
—  Schedule each activity into your calendar.
—  Make appointments and stick to them.

4)  Share it, publicize it

— tell your friends. They can join you and/or make you accountable.
— share it on social media.
— share your successes and your misses.  We are all human.

5) Don't give up!

—   “It isn’t whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up.”  — Vince Lombardi 

—  None of us are perfect. Keep trying, keep going. 

We want to be here to help you achieve your goals, whether it is adding Wellness, transforming your Parenting Skills or trying Keto, Paleo or Vegan diet. What else would you like to see on LinkQueen.com?  What kind links and resources would help you reach your goals?

How will you celebrate International Women’s Day?