Is it more formal or business casual? You may not know, but it is best to err on the side of conservative attire. It is better to be overdressed than under-dressed for an interview. If you do not know, men should always default to wearing a suit.
- Suit in a solid color such as navy or medium to dark grey
- Solid black may be too formal
- Earth tones may be too casual
- Save the pattern suits and the velvet suits for other occasions
- White long sleeved button down shirt or pale colors that coordinate well with the suit
- Leather belt and tie
- Dark socks and conservative leather shoes
- Portfolio or briefcase
- Neat, professional hairstyle and nails trimmed
- Limit your jewelry or do not wear jewelry
- Limit amount of aftershave or fragrance
Visit our Men’s page for some great outfits, suits, shirts, shoes, and ties to ensure you fit the grade for your interview.